As we return to our daily routines, Reckson remains committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all of our tenants and visitors. We are committed to implementing the best practices that will make our building safer as we prepare for an orderly return to the building.

All Reckson employees and third-party vendors will be wearing masks and completing temperature readings before the start of each workday per CDC recommendations.
Employees/Guests are required to wear masks in common areas in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order.
Limit the number of people getting into the elevators at the same time to avoid crowding. People should consider only riding the elevator with their own party, taking the stairs or waiting for the next elevator.
A security guard will be stationed in the lobby for elevator monitoring and assisting with call buttons.
We will reconfigure common areas (I.e. lobby, café, fitness center, conference rooms etc.) to achieve social distancing, including removal of seats and/or closure.
Lobby floors and elevators will be clearly marked to encourage safe social distancing. Crowd control barriers will be in place to establish “safe distance zones” around security desks and café serveries.
Touch-less checkout technology will be implemented in all cafes. Portable air purifiers will been positioned in our lobbies and cafes. MERV 13 filters are being used in our fan system.
For a smoother transition into the workspace, Property Management and third party vendors have trained staff on all the new policies/procedures per CDC recommendations.
All lobbies, cafes, fitness centers, restrooms, elevators and corridors have been completely cleaned and disinfected prior to re-occupying the building.
Additional cleaning personnel will be stationed in common areas to continually clean high touch surfaces including: door handles/knobs, light switches, elevator buttons, handrails, vending machines etc. in accordance with CDC recommendations
Increased frequency of restroom cleaning throughout the day.

Tenants should consider new operational plans as you begin to return to the workplace. For your convenience please see attached link for CDC guidelines on reentry.
(https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html ).
As government orders are updated, policies may be eased over time while others become part of our normal operating procedures. We encourage all employers to consider these changes:
Stagger employee work days/hours per CDC recommendations
Limit the number of people in close proximity in common areas, work spaces and meeting rooms within your space.
Limit or eliminate visitors for a period of time to reduce potential exposure to building occupants. De-clutter spaces and furniture configuration within your space to facilitate effective cleaning.
Maintain clean desk policy.
Encourage your employees to stay home when feeling sick.
We ask that you provide building management with your complete return to work policies detailing staffing levels, shift work, timing etc.
As this situation continues to develop and change we will continue to notify you.
Upon your return, you will see personnel, video screens and signage (i.e. directional strips, foot placements, common area “etiquette”) guiding you throughout the common areas.
We request that you continue to communicate with building management team to report any confirmed cases within your company and we will continue to update our tenants on reported cases in the building and policy changes in regards to new executive orders.
As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions at (800) 660-0624.